Covered with Encouragers

07/30/2012 21:31

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."  1 Thes. 5:11

As you begin this journey, one thing is certain.  You WILL need encouragement.  Whether they are silent encouragers that just give you a pat on the back or vocal encouragers who yell you on as you complete your first 5k, they are necessary for success.  When my journey began, I was blessed to be surrounded by encouragers.  My family and friends cheered me on as I completed goals and began to change my life.  Because of  the fact that I constantly critiqued what I and everyone around me was eating, we would joke about how obnoxious it was that I was a walking calorie counter.  So many of my friends and family sent me encouraging text messages and notes that helped to keep me motivated to stay on track.  My family would always allow me to pick the restaurant we went to, and they would ask me what I could eat if they were cooking at home when i was in town.  They sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so much for me so that I am able to maintain this lifestyle.  Without the constant encouragement of so many people, I was and still am able to maintain this healthy lifestyle.  Surround yourself with people who genuinely want you to succeed.  If you do that, your chances of success increase!